Healthy N Easy

As a part of my "Bloggers New Year’s Resolution", I wrote that I'm going to blog about more fitness topics. All last year, I learned that it's just as important to keep a healthy diet as it is to exercise. My only issue is that I'm not much of a cooker or baker, so that limits me on what I can eat that’s healthy and easy to make. 

This week, I went through my house to see what I can have for a meal that would keep me full, but there wasn’t that much. As a result, I came up with these easy to make solutions.

1. Corn Bread: Corn Bread is my latest obsession, starting with when my mom made it for dinner on Sunday night. It's a very healthy option for a snack to get you through the day, with only 90 calories. In order to make them, I followed the recipe here. Since I have my lunch at 10:40 for school, I know that's not really an actual lunch at all, cornbread is a better snack alternative than something I would have regularly, like pretzels or chips. 


2. Pre made salads: The pre made salad from Trader Joes makes a terrific lunch. It comes in a small container, full of vegetables, like kale, corn, and spinach, which is usually hard for me to fit into my diet (I'm more of a fruit kind of gal). There's also chicken, cheese and other healthy components that go into this one salad which will guaranteed that you hit all of the food groups in one meal. It always makes me feel so healthy whenever I eat this for lunch because I get a boost of energy to get me through the rest of my day. 


3. Fruit: Fruit is probably the easiest and healthiest of any snack you could have. My favorite fruits are bananas and clementines. Bananas and clementines are full of vitamin C and potassium. I am a huge fan of smoothies, so I try to combine as much fruit in one smoothie as possible. 


4. Whole Foods Macaroni and Cheese: I'm a huge macaroni and cheese fan, so when I saw that Whole Foods had healthy macaroni and cheese, I was all for it. I’m really trying to watch how many calories I eat within a meal, and the Whole Foods Macaroni and Cheese is 200 calories! That may seem like a decent amount, but there are many more worse foods that I can eat that are around 200 calories. I don’t eat at Whole Foods that much, since the cost adds up over time, but having it once in a while is a treat for me! 


5. Kashi cinnamon toast cereal: This cereal is my new favorite food. it’s basically cinoman toast crunch, but healthy version! For anyone watching calorie consumption, this cereal is only 90 calories. It’s perfect for anyone who needs a quick bite to eat before heading off to school or work. It keeps you full of energy and a satisfied appetite. 

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