Pinterest at home workouts

There are many different ways to exercise, but it's all about a routine that feels right to you. 

For my routine, I always start off with my Pinterest workout of the day. I don't do every single one they suggest, but I do most of them. I try to complete them in reps of 25, so I don't listen to when it says "3 reps of 1 minute." When I do my arms and abs day, I complete 5 ab Pinterest workouts and 4 arm Pinterest workouts. My favorite arm workout is the back and chest or the best chest because I feel a workout in both my arms and abs. Each of them help me warm up my muscles and become stronger.

I do 2 reps of 25 stability ball press, dumbbell pullovers, elbow squeeze presses and triceps dips.  

I do 2 reps of 25 stability ball press, dumbbell pullovers, elbow squeeze presses and triceps dips.  

I do 2 reps of 25 for these four excersises.  

I do 2 reps of 25 for these four excersises.  

I started off by trying all of them. Then, overtime, I eliminated the ones that didn't seem to make a difference and kept with the ones that seemed to be good. My favorite Pinterest workout is the Ab challenge because each day, the number of the exercises increase, getting harder and harder. Although they have you complete it in larger quantities, I have definitely seen better results because of it.

I do 3 sets of 12 reps of the dumbbell deadlifts and 3 reps of 15 mountain climbers.  

I do 3 sets of 12 reps of the dumbbell deadlifts and 3 reps of 15 mountain climbers.  

The ab challenge  

The ab challenge  

I do 100 alternate heel touches, 2 sets of 25 fire hydrants and hip raises

I do 100 alternate heel touches, 2 sets of 25 fire hydrants and hip raises

For my leg and ab day, I have less Pinterest workouts to do because I do more at the gym. I do 5 ab workouts and 2 leg workouts. The reason I do only 2 is because I make up for it when I'm doing my cardio. My favorite leg workout is butt and glute 30 day plan because it increases each day, but they also give you a break on certain days. 

I like doing these workouts because you can do them anytime anywhere, the most you'll need is dumbbells for arms. Here are some of the posts that I think have helped me become more fit and stronger!


I do 1 rep of 50 back leg lifts (each side) and 25 Romanian deadlifts


Butt and leg challenge

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